Client: Current
Role: Producer | Director | DP | Editor
Description: News stories for national cable television.


Powerless: Blackout in Queens |  New York reacts to the power outages from extreme summer heat. | 2006


The Bubble Project | Citizen commentary in the form of speech bubble stickers. |  May 2008 |  featured on Boing Boing.


Why Tuesday? | Any idea why we vote on Tuesdays? Neither do any of the presidential candidates. 2008


Political Fashion | Che shirts and Keffiyeh scarves, fashion statement or meaningless trend. |  2008


Gordon Parks (1912- 2006) |  2006


Freecycle | Urban shopping stars get hip for free. | 2007


CURRENT  was a national cable TV network. From 2006 to 2009 the network  aired short-form documentaries on a wide range of topics.  In 2007, they earned an Emmy® for the it’s interactive achievements , as accepted by co-founder Al Gore. Current TV  aired in over 50 million US homes, on Virgin America airlines, and parts of the UK and Europe.

John Carluccio produced over 20 segments for the network .